
IC (A2C08350)


ATIC39-B4 A2C08350 Auto ECU board IC is automotive Electronic injection Module drive chip,
it is easily damaged parts on Auto ECU Circuit Board,  ATIC39-B4 A2C08350 Auto drive IC can
repair damaged automotive injection drive chip.
ATIC39-B4 A2C08350 Auto ECU injection drive chip QFP64, the injection driver IC QFP64 package, Jetta, Siemens Auto computer board injection driver IC

ATIC39-B4 A2C08350
Models : ATIC39-B4
Manufacturer  : ST
Package/Case  : QFP64
Reference To Part : ATIC39-B4 A2C08350
Encapsulation : ATIC39-B4 QFP64
Substitute : ATIC39-B4 A2C08350
Can Be Found : Siemens, etc.
Category         : Auto ECU Chip IC


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